Thinking of the children: Energy poverty and acute respiratory infections among young children in South Asia
Sen, K.K. Karmaker, S.C. Hosan, S. Chapman, A. Saha, B.
Volume 282, 128452
Energy poverty alleviation through financial inclusion: Role of gender in Bangladesh
Sen, K.K. Karmaker, S.C. Hosan, S. Chapman, A. Uddin, K. Saha, B.
Volume 15(17), 13229
Toward Economicall Efficient Carbon Reduction: Contrasting Greening Plastic Supply Chains with Alternative Energy Policy Approaches
Yoshimoto, Y. Kishimoto, K. Sen, K.K. Mochida, T. Chapman, A.
Energy Research & Social Science
Volume 103, 103228
The Just Transition in Japan: Awareness and desires for the future
Chapman, A. McLellan, B. Mabon, L. Yap, J. Karmaker, S.C. Sen, K.K.
Volume 15(18), 13447
Assessing the optimal contributions of renewables and carbon capture and storage toward carbon neutrality by 2050
Nguyen, D.H. Chapman, A. Tsuji, K.
Local Environment
Just transitions at the local level: Insights from coal communities in Japan
Mabon, L. Hiratsuka-Sasaki, A. Chapman, A. Mclellan, B.
Frontiers in Sustainable Energy Policy
Volume 2, 1203520
Accomplishments and challenges of metrics for sustainable energy, population, and economics as illustrated through three countries
Engel-Cox, J. Chapman, A.
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
Transformation of ecological footprint through financial development and technological innovation
Hosan, S. Rahman, M.M. Karmaker, S.C. Chapman, A. Saha, B.
Environmental Research Communications
Volume 5, 065010
Investigating the impact of working arrangements and lifestyle factor importance on environmental consciousness
Chapman, A. Karmaker, S.C. Shigetomi, Y.
Energy Research & Social Science
Volume 100, 103088
Evaluating the mediating role of energy subsidies on social wellbeing and energy poverty alleviation in Bangladesh
Hosan, S. Sen, K.K. Rahman, M. Karmaker, S.C. Chapman, A. Saha, B.
Volume 16(13), 4911
Enhanving Survey Efficiency and Predictive Ability in Energy System Design through Machine Learning: A Workflow-Based Approach for Improved Outcomes
Chapman, A.
Energy Research & Social Science
Volume 98, 103006
Leapfrogging or lagging? Drivers of social equity from renewable energy transitions globally
Fraser, T. Chapman, A. Shigetomi, Y.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Volume 20(5), 4502
Do Environmental Regulations Facilitate a Low-Carbon Transformationin China’s Resource-Based Cities?
Xie, W. Chapman, A. Yan, T.
Volume 262(A), 125326
Remittances and multidimensional energy poverty: Evidence from a houeshold survey in Bangladesh
Hosan, S. Rahman, R. Karmaker, S.C. Chapman, A. Saha, B.
Volume 15(1), 588
Renewable Energy Pathways toward Accelerating Hydrogen Fuel Production: Evidence from Global Hydrogen Modeling
Karmaker, S.C. Chapman, A. Sen, K.K. Hosan, S. Saha, B.
Cleaner Production Letters
Volume 3, 100012
Challenges toward achieving a successful hydrogen economy in the US: Potential end-use and infrastructure analysis to the year 2100
Bridgeland, R. Chapman, A. McLellan, B. Sofronis, P. Yasumasa, F.
Volume 15(19), 7406
The Potential Role of Flying Vehicles in Progressing the Energy Transition
Chapman, A. Fujii, H.
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
Volume 83, 101350
Shedding Light on the energy-related social equity of nations toward a just transition
Nakaishi, T. Chapman, A. Kagawa, S.
Volume 14(19), 12634
Policy Driven Compact Cities: Toward Clarifying the Effect of Compact Cities on Carbon Emissions
Fan, T. Chapman, A.
Energy Strategy Reviews
Volume 43, 100920
Multilateral energy technology cooperation: Improving collaboration effectiveness through evidence from International Energy Agency Technology Collaboration Programmes
Hattori, T. Nam, H. Chapman, A.
Frontiers in Sustainability
Volume 3, 920955
ESG metrics and social equity: Investigating commensurability
Keeley, A. Chapman, A. Yoshida, K. Xie, J. Imbulana, J. Takeda, S. Managi, S.
Journal of Cleaner Production
Volume 364, 132626
Economic analysis underpinning achievement of the SDGs
Dynamic links among the demographic dividend, digitalization, energy intensity and sustainable economic growth: Empirical evidence from emerging economies
Detailing the economy-wide carbon emission reduction potential of post-consumer recycling
Ohno, H. Shigetomi, Y. Chapman, A. Fukushima, Y.
Energy Research & Social Science
Volume 70, 101702
Putting the Process into the Policy Mix: Simulating Policy Design for Energy and Electricity Transitions in Japan
Tanaka, Y. Chapman, A. Tezuka, T. Sakurai, S.
IET Electrical Systems in Transportation
Volume 10(4), 409-416
Hydrogen Penetration and Fuel Cell Vehicle Deployment in the Carbon Constrained Future Energy System
Chapman, A. Nguyen, D. Farabi-Asl, H. Itaoka, K. Hirose, K. Fujii, Y.
International Review of Economics & Finance
Volume 70, 398-412
Role of Energy Finance in Geothermal Power Development in Japan
Taghizadeh-Hesary, F. Mortha, A. Farabi-Asl, H. Sarker, T. Chapman, A. Shigetomi, Y. Fraser, T.
12(19), 8232
Impacts of COVID-19 on a Transitioning Energy System, Society and International Cooperation
Chapman, A. Tsuji, T.
13(17), 4539
The Role of Hydrogen in Achieving Long Term Japanese Energy System Goals
Chaube, A. Chapman, A. Shigetomi, Y. Huff, K. Stubbins, J.
Environmental Research Letters
Volume 15, 084044
Quantifying lifestyle based social equity implications for national sustainable development policy
Shigetomi, Y. Chapman, A. Nansai, K. Matsumoto, K. Tohno, S.
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
Volume 99, 103097
Key factors for achieving emission reduction goals cognizant of CCS Farabi-Asl. H, Itaoka, K. Chapman, A. Kato, E. Kurosawa, A.
Politics & Policy
Volume 48(3), 464-489
Multiple Streams and Power Sector Policy Change: Evidence from the Feed‐in Tariff Policy Process in Japan Tanaka, Y. Chapman, A. Tezuka, T. Sakurai. S.
Environmental Policy & Planning
Volume 22(3), 397-412
Drivers of social equity in renewable energy at the municipal level: the case of local Japanese energy policy and preferences Fraser, T. Chapman, A.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Volume 45(7), 3883-3898
Societal penetration of hydrogen into the future energy system: Impacts of policy, technology and carbon targets Chapman, A. Itaoka, K. Farabi-Asl, H. Fujii, Y. Nakahara, M.
Applied Energy
Volume 255, 113869
Nation-wide emission trading model for economically feasible carbon reduction in Japan Nguyen, D. Chapman, A. Farabi-Asl, H.
Energy Policy
Volume 135, 111017
Engendering an inclusive low-carbon energy transition in Japan: Considering the perspectives and awareness of the energy poor Chapman, A. Okushima, S.
Environmental Science & Technology
Volume 53(24), 14123-14133
Clarifying Demographic Impacts on Embodied and Materially Retained Carbon toward Climate Change Mitigation Shigetomi, Y. Ohno, H. Chapman, A. Fujii, H. Nansai, K. Fukushima, Y.
Volume 12(19), Article 3745
Uncovering Household Carbon Footprint Drivers in an Aging, Shrinking Society Huang, Y. Shigetomi, Y. Chapman, A. Matsumoto, K.
Volume 12(15), Article 3021
Resource Security Strategies and Their Environmental and Economic Implications: A Case Study of Copper Production in Japan Motoori, R. McLellan, B. Chapman, A. Tezuka, T.
Nature Sustainability
Volume 2, Pages 508-514
Multinational life satisfaction, perceived inequality and energy affordability Chapman, A. Fujii, H. Managi, S.
Social Sciences
Volume 8(5), Article 135
Investigating Ties between Energy Policy and Social Equity Research: A Citation Network Analysis Chapman, A. Fraser, T. Dennis, M.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Volume 44(13), Pages 6371-6382
A Review of Four Case Studies Assessing the Potential for Hydrogen Penetration of the Future Energy System Chapman, A. Itaoka, K. Hirose, K. Davidson, F. Nagasawa, K. Lloyd, A. Webber, M. Kurban, Z. Managi, S. Tamaki, T. Lewis, M. Hebner, R. Fujii, Y.
Sustainability Science
Volume 14(2), Pages 355-374
Japan’s Mega Solar Boom: Quantifying Social Equity Expectations and Realities at the Local Scale Chapman, A. Fraser, T.
Journal of CleanerProduction.
Volume 200,
Pages 39-47.
Developing national frameworks for inclusive sustainable development incorporating lifestyle factor importance Chapman, A. Shigetomi, Y.
Applied Energy
Volume 228, Pages 1561-1568.
An analysis of urban environmental Kuznets curve of CO2 emissions: Empirical analysis of 276 global metropolitan areas Fujii, H. Iwata, K. Chapman, A. Kagawa, S. Managi, S.
Science of the Total Environment
Volume 639, Pages 385-396.
Visualizing the shape of society: An analysis of public bads and burden allocation due to household consumption using an input-output approach Chapman, A. Shigetomi, Y.
Applied Energy
Volume 219, Pages 187-198.
Prioritizing mitigation efforts considering co-benefits, equity and energy justice: Fossil fuel to renewable energy transition pathways Chapman, A. McLellan, B. Tezuka. T.
Energy Research & Social Science
Volume 37,
Pages 102-110.
Curiosity, economic and environmental reasoning: Public perceptions of liberalization and renewable energy transition in Japan Chapman, A. Itaoka, K.
Energy for Sustainable Development
Volume 42, Pages 136-151
Social equity impacts in Japan’s mega-solar siting process Fraser, T. Chapman, A.
Renewable andSustainable EnergyReviews
Volume 81(2),
Pages 2019-2027.
Energy transition to a future low-carbon energy society in Japan’s liberalizing electricity market: Precedents, policies and factors of successful transition Chapman, A. Itaoka, K.
Sustainability 10(1), 244.
Key Drivers for Cooperation toward Sustainable Development and the Management of CO2 Emissions: Comparative Analysis of Six Northeast Asian Countries Chapman, A. Fujii, H. Managi, S.
Journal of CleanerProduction.
Volume 172,
Pages 1014-1024.
Strategic and user-driven transition scenarios: Toward a low carbon society, encompassing the issues of sustainability and societal equity in Japan Chapman, A. Pambudi, N.
International Journalof Energy Research
Volume 41(14),
Pages 2374-2391.
Hydrogen import pathway comparison framework incorporating cost and social preference: Case studies from Australia to Japan Chapman, A. Fraser, T, Itaoka, K.
Social Sciences
Volume 6, Article 4.
Feed-in Tariff Pricing and Social Burden in Japan: Evaluating International Learning through a Policy Transfer Approach Tanaka, Y. Chapman, A. Sakurai, S. Tezuka, T.
Energy Research & Social Science.
Volume 21,
Pages 54-69.
Proposing an evaluation framework for energy policy making incorporating equity: Applications in Australia. Chapman, A. McLellan, B. Tezuka, T.
Journal of CleanerProduction.
Volume 128,
Pages 77-96.
Geography, urbanization and lock-in – considerations for sustainable transitions to decentralized energy systems McLellan, B. Chapman, A. Aoki, K.
Volume 6,
Article 3.
Strengthening the Energy Policy Making Process and Sustainability Outcomes in the OECD through Policy Design Chapman, A. McLellan, B. Tezuka, T.
Renewable Energy.
Volume 86,
Page 1265-1279.
Residential solar PV policy: An analysis of impacts, successes and failures in the Australian case. Chapman, A. McLellan, B. Tezuka, T.