Feb 2017: Energy Analysis Annual Symposium Presentation and Workshop

As part of the I2CNER Annual Symposium 2017, the Energy Analysis Division (EAD) held our annual workshop. The title of this year’s workshop was: Energy Transition Pathways for Japan.

Many interesting and thought provoking presentations were given by I2CNER and visiting professors across the topics of transition theory, social engagement, exergy analysis, solar and geothermal technologies.
The main event of the workshop brought together experts in the energy analysis field in order to contribute to a energy transition socio-technical regime timeline for Japan across the regime factors of preference and culture, industry and the market, science and technology, policy and institutions and external factors.

The input from this workshop will aid the EAD in modeling the potential and desirable transition pathways for Japan, including a consideration of influential technologies, including those developed at I2CNER.


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