The Institute Interest Seminar Series (IISS) was established to provide a platform for I2CNER professors, post-docs, and graduate students to present their research to an audience of peers. The result is an exciting and open exchange of ideas and discussion among researchers which enriches and challenges all who participate.
At the 99th IISS, I presented my research entitled “Prioritizing Mitigation Efforts Considering Co-benefits and Equity: Energy Transitions”, focusing on the equity impacts of a transition to renewable energy, using Australia’s potential transition away from coal as a case study.
The abstract of this presentation can be found here. More information about events at the International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research is available here.
Chapman先生のMeet the researchers日本における気候変動への公正な対応の動画が、YouTubeに投稿されました。

2020年8月:Environmental Research Lettersが出版される
