On the 7th to 8th of June, I participated in the 36th Japan Society Energy and Resources Conference.
My presentation was in the Energy Policy session on the 8th of June, entitled “Energy Transition Pathways: Realizing a future low-carbon society in Japan”.
The session was well attended, and I would like to thank all attendees for their kind questions. I look forward to progressing this research towards a bottom-up, low-carbon technology penetration model for Japan.
The abstract of my presentation is below, along with a link to the full paper (in Japanese)
Abstract: This research investigates precedents, policies and factors relevant to a successful energy regime transition relevant to the Japanese case, through a review of national leaders in renewable energy deployment. Germany, Italy and Spain are of particular note for their progress in energy transition toward a low-carbon energy regime. The transition theory framework is utilized in this assessment, and exogenous impacts specific to Japan such as recent, ongoing market liberalization and the Fukushima nuclear indecent are considered as pertinent factors impacting upon the transition landscape. Through a comparative assessment of policy, technology and social factors which affect transitions, lessons are drawn for an evaluation Japanese transition progress, identifying factors critical to the future estimation of the energy transition pathway. Future energy transition projections will need to incorporate policy approaches and mechanisms while recognizing Japan’s geographic and cost-competitive energy generation deployment limitations. These limitations and utilization of existing generation assets are expected to have a significant impact upon Japan’s transition from the current pre-development phase toward take-off, acceleration and the stabilization of a new, low-carbon energy regime.
Link to Paper on Researchgate
Through the Japan Society of Energy and Resources, we visited the Fukushima Daiichi and Daini Nuclear Power Plants.
Oct 2017: Perspective Paper in ERSS

Alice’s Public Defense.